Monday, November 12, 2007

Major Funding for this Broadcast

This morning I, Tarquin Churchwell, wrote a post on my hater blog titled "How To Change Your IP To Someone Else's."

Fans, you can always count on me to share my crime tips.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Miss Understandings

I am going to die. Yep, someday I will kick the bucket into hell, and who knows if they have blogs down there?

This is what passes for insight and before it flies off into space, here's a special song that I picked out to play today. I want to dedicate it to my ex-wife, Debbie, and to what's her name, the mother of my two illegitimate sons, and to the women on the Internet - Susan, Kim, Tiffany and Scarlett - I have harmed you with my lies - and to my ex-girlfriends and to the girls I banged, when I was bored. You know who you are!

To all of you, I am sorry.

Gotcha! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!
Administrator's note: "A Lover's Concerto" is no longer playing.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Spawn of the Dark One

Today I created...

Blogopoly, the game that brings all the thrills of blogging right into your living room! Hosted by me, Tarquin Churchwell, Blogopoly features exciting graphics, real-time scoring and a battery-powered joy stick (not shown).

The Object of Blogopoly is to become the most satisfied player through the creation of hate-free blogs. In the Bonus Round, you can try to put me in jail!

Basic Instructions:
>Remove game box from the brown paper wrapper.

>Program the battery-powered joy stick.

>Choose the number of players -- 1 to 13 can play.

>Select a game piece to move around the board. You might choose the sledgehammer, sword, delete button, little red hatchet or stiletto shoe.

At the end of the game, players click on my hate blogs with their battery-powered joy sticks, a challenging finish that determines whether I will go to jail forever, or live among maggots under a rock.

1 game board with game pieces.
1battery-powered joy stick.

Blogopoly can be yours for just $69.95 plus shipping. For shipping options, go to this page.

Features and accessories may vary. Batteries sold separately.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Yesterday, I posted this: "Everyone is beautiful." When fans read it, they emailed me in disbelief. How could I write that everyone is beautiful, they asked pitifully, since I'm always posting hate? Hate is my pasttime, my trademark and oldest habit.

After a year of blogging, it's getting harder to fool the fans...

I'll keep trying!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Get Up Offa That Thing

I don't know how I do it! Since I stepped off the Greyhound bus on Sunday, I've been extremely busy. I left new eye-popping comments on blogs, created some artwork, posted more libel on my hater blogs, and still found time to upload videos from New Hampshire. Whew!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Never Ends Like Pulling Taffy

I just got home and already I'm posting big WADS of hate. And if that don't surprise you, I posted about me emailing a "company" which, for a price, said they will "get rid of" THIS blog.

I miss prison a lot.

Administrator's note: "Jailhouse Rock" is no longer playing.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007

Amazing Sunrise

Watching TV this morning, I captured this shot with my video camera.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Administrator's note: "My Kind of Town" is no longer playing.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Put It on Your Blog

"Let's get serious," my therapist said, as he handed me a poem by Edgar Allan Poe. "Take this home with you and read it," he begged. "Put it on your blog..."

From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then--in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life--was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.

Monday, October 29, 2007

In a Prone Position

Tonight I have bus lag and post traumatic stress syndrome. I will blog soon!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Journey into Darkness

I've always known I'm going to hell. My tombstone will read: "Here lies Tarquin Churchwell, our blogger who art in Hades." Yep, I know where I'm going, but I always thought it would be years before I got there.

The ride to Portsmouth made me think that I was going to the Final Destination last night!

This is what happened:

There was hardly anybody on the bus, as it bounced through the countryside. Only a few passengers, several chickens and a sickly goat. I pressed my nose against the oily window. Way out there I could see a pumpkin now and then, just flickering orange light on some lonely porch.

It wasn't even warm on the bus. A man wearing camouflage was snoring at the other end of the cabin, his coat rolled up for a pillow. His assault rifle was on the floor. A few seats away, a girl with spikey orange hair jerked to the beat of her ipod. She saw me watching her, reflected in the window, and smiled at my reflection. But before I could make my move, the sick goat fell on top of her, killing her instantly. I spat a chicken feather and sighed. The man beside me was shooting heroin. He didn't care what I was going through.

I tried to sleep, but the driver, a very old man, probably eighty-six, drove down the highway like a maniac. He had the scary habit, whenever the bus veered into the next lane, of dropping to the floor and turning the wheel, then bobbing up to see where he was. Crossing the New Hampshire state line, he hopped four lanes of traffic, swerved to avoid a flying piece of granite, and dropped to the floor. He hit the brakes in the bus station, hurled my bag at Lylah (but missed her) and slammed the cargo lid so hard, the whole bus jumped on its wheels. The asshole came within three inches of running over my toes.

I fell into the waiting arms of my sister.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Swing the Greyhound! Swing it!

Later, fans!
Administrator's note: "Bye Bye Blackbird" is no longer playing.

Up Too Late and Won't Rap About It

Can't get sleepy. Most nights my drugs knock me out like sledgehammers, but tonight is different. This is the night before I leave for New Hampshire! In just a few hours, I'll be bouncing on a bus seat with the springs poking through, headed for the clean fresh air of Portsmouth.

Instead of counting sheep, I'll count all my blogs.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I found this poster in my closet today.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Soot-blackened Bus

Fans have been asking if I will blog in New Hampshire. Do bats go barefoot? When I hit the road this weekend, I'll be toting a laptop, six replacement batteries, a wi-fi card and a dozen cell phones that I can use to connect to the Internet via a nine-foot data cable. With a set-up like this, I can even blog on the bus!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Laughing at Karma

"Tarquin Churchwell is a people eater!" How many times have you read those words on message boards, forums and blogs? Too many to count!

Here are a few people that I chewed up this year:

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Administrator's note: the theme from "Psycho" is no longer playing.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Twat? I Cunt Hear you!

The dummy working in the cafeteria got everything wrong last night. I asked for sugar-free cherry jello, but she gave me raspberry. Geesh.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Can't Top That

Last Halloween me and The Untouchable went to this
haunted house.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Britney, I am here for you

Britney, as I said in one of my other blogs today, trust me on this. I have a bad rep, and you have a bad rep. I am a feeble minded hater. You have stacks of DUIs and like getting photographed in cars without your underpants. My blogger nickname is The Great PERVini. Celebs like us understand these things! It's part of being Famous.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Quickie

My Tarot cards say I'm an asshole.

Juice Wins Again

Last month when OJ Simpson got arrested in Las Vegas, there were hundreds of pictures of him wearing a $25,000 Rolex watch. See it here. The Goldmans got a court order to have the watch turned over to them because they never collected anything on their phony lawsuit against OJ. But, guess what? The Juice sent someone out and got a fake Chinese watch to give the Goldmans. He's got no plans to pay them anything, so why would he give them his Rolex? OJ is somewhere laughing at the Goldmans.
Administrator's note: the theme from "Halloween" is no longer playing.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Blast Off to Pancakes

Update before pancakes: I decided not to get a job after all. Why start something at the age of 44?

News that Shook a Nation

Last night I announced that I am going to work!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Caesar's Naked Ass

If you don't like man nudity, don't click on the link below. Here's Caesar's email to me:

From: "Caesar" ceasarl*** Add to Address Book
To: "Tarquin Churchwell"
Subject: I'm a hottie
Date: Wed, 26 September 2007 15:18:58 -0600


Hey, how're they hanging? I miss our old times together at Rikers Island. I might be going back in, due to an accident I had with a borrowed vehicle. Me and Chris, that's my wife, are hiding out in the Ozarks. Long story. Hey, check out my new tattoo! Wedding present for Chris, had it done the day we got married. She was rocked to her foundations.

You still doing magic? Do you ever hear from Drinkwater?

(not my real name, but you can "guess who" from the picture)

If you want to see his naked ass, click here.


Dumb Lies and Halloween

Today I read a dumb story about the history of Halloween. Strictly dryer lint, but I'm pasting it here for all the sad, dumb Christians who want to believe crap.

A Brief History of Halloween
"Halloween has a long history, which, like many holidays, is at least partly shrouded in mystery. The word itself, "Halloween," indisputably came from the Catholic Church. The name is a short, though corrupted form of All Hallows Eve.

November 1, "All Hollows Day" (or "All Saints Day"), is a Catholic day of observance in honor of saints. But, in the 5th century BC, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially ended on October 31. Like other church holidays, other less "holy" celebrations were merged, in this case a Celtic holiday representing the last day of summer. That holiday featured people dressing up in ghoulish costumes to frighten away spirits of the dead. As Christian influence grew, the influence of "All Souls Day" became more prominent, and the practice of begging for food was incorporated. Costumes became more ritualized as well.

Today, Halloween is celebrated by both children and adults, with children canvassing their neighborhoods looking for candy treats. In terms of candy "tonnage," Halloween is one of the biggest holidays, as people distribute candy to dozens or even hundreds of costumed children. Like Christmas, Halloween has been commericalized to a point that many people no longer know it as a day of religious observance."

When my left hand doesn't know what my right hand is doing...

Everybody knows I have been writing blogs bloated with lies, hate and perversion for a whole year. Happy Anniversary to me!

I think I started a new hate site today. I have many hate sites, and sometimes I forget a few. My left hand don't always know what my right hand is doing.

Friday, October 12, 2007

P-p-p-put It on Vibrate

I was standing in line at CVS, trying to buy Halloween stuff, and one of my cell phones started to ring. An asshole behind me said, "If you're not going to answer that phone, will you put it on vibrate?" Before I could tell her to shut up, the asshole in front of me said, "Why do people carry cell phones around with them? All they do is have long and loud conversations about the mold growing out of their shorts." Hearing that, the asshole behind the counter laughed. I reported all of them to the manager.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

More Champagne than Beer

When rent day comes around each month, I buy something. Usually, I buy cameras and lenses, cell phones, software, and more hard drives for my computers. I have expensive shit!

Fuck the rent.

Needs Visine

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fun Facts

Today I received a warlock newsletter that had a list of ancient superstitions you should pay attention to this month:

If 3 people are photographed together, the one in the middle will die first.

If 13 people sit down at a table to eat, one of them will die before the year is over.

Dropping an umbrella on the floor means there will be a murder in the house.

A yawn is a sign that danger is near. Cover your mouth when you yawn, or your spirit will fly out of your body with the yawn.

To dream of a lizard is a sign that you have a secret enemy.

A bed changed on Friday will give you bad dreams.

It is bad luck to cut your toenails on Saturday.

To drop a comb while you are combing your hair is a sure sign of coming disappointment.

It's bad luck to pick up a coin, if it's tail side up.

If your left ear itches, someone is plotting to kill you. If your right ear itches, you'll be okay.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Pity Me

I am a miserable Catholic. I am not a Jew. Does the name "CHURCH-well" sound Jewish to anybody? That's what I thought.

I like saying that I'm a Jew, cause Jews have been persecuted for centuries, and I revel in feelings of persecution. Comparing my life to a lion's dinner is cool.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Paris Halloween

Paris Hilton almost had a scary encounter this weekend. She went to the same Halloween party as her new boyfriend and his ex, Paris's arch enemy Shanna Moaker. The party was at the Playboy Mansion. No punches or bitch slaps were thrown, even though the last time Paris and Shanna were in the same room, both ended up filing assault charges. This is what happens when a nobody tries to suck publicity off somebody who is famous. Paris, it happens to me all the time.
Administrator's note: The "Monster Mash" is no longer playing.


I don't have any.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Can't Touch That

I have one fan and she's a witch. Last night I told her to fly around the Web and look for any hate that people were writing about me.

"Okay, Tarquin," she cackled and jumped on her broom.

There was a full moon, but the only hate she could find were the 960 hater blogs that belong to me. Bummer.

Adminstrator's note: "The Thing" is no longer playing.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Turn Left at Busy Street

Today I was extremely busy. I shopped for holiday decorations, bought another camera, wrote on my blogs and emailed some dum dums.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Countdown to Halloween!

This is my annual Halloween blog. For all my fans who can't get enough of me, I still have several hate sites.