Saturday, October 27, 2007

Up Too Late and Won't Rap About It

Can't get sleepy. Most nights my drugs knock me out like sledgehammers, but tonight is different. This is the night before I leave for New Hampshire! In just a few hours, I'll be bouncing on a bus seat with the springs poking through, headed for the clean fresh air of Portsmouth.

Instead of counting sheep, I'll count all my blogs.


Big Boy Bob said...

Sorry dude. The Wiccan Convention in Salem, MA was called off. Damn! No Hot Witch Babes to initiate.

Susan said...

Love Ray Charles and love your latest rant against me. As if, I could shut down one of your hundreds of blogs. LOL. It's med time, Tarquinator.

Big Boy Bob said...

Hey Dum Dum,
Tarquin wrote 3 new blogs TODAY. He's a genius!